Marketing || Strategy || Analytics
Had a great exposure to the industry and understanding of various domains via the case studies and projects with the industries. Performed market research with primary and secondary data from time to time. Used analytical tools and models to solve cases. Like any other MBA had great exposure to making PPTs and Dashboards via use of various tools available in the market.
BSc Information Technology
DBMS || Web Development || OOP || Networks || AI || Data Structure
Work History
Brand Ambassador(Intern)
Summer Internship Program
Worked with core sales team to set-up attractive product displays and promotional booths at the hotspots in the stores. Conducted research on market potential, analyzed competitor strengths, came up with discount/ promotion recommendation to improve sales. Analyzed sales pattern of different SKUs at different hypermarket stores.
Marketing Intern
Conducted Market Research on the business environment and analyzed COVID impact. Observed Consumer buying behavior in the Health Insurance sector. Conducted sales of Health insurance products and provided recommendation to improve sales
Project Intern
Developed a beta Social Media website to encourage collaboration among educational institute. Led and guided the team during the project. Worked using PHP and MySQL along with other tools providing platform to upload pictures, update statues, chat with other users.
Contact information
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